Pregnancy skincare do’s and don’ts
By: 111SKIN
Pregnancy can be a confusing time for many women. You want to make sure you’re at optimal health in order to produce a healthy baby. When you’re pregnant you should consume much of your time researching the ingredients that are going into your body as well as on the outside. It’s common for women to use organic or paraben free products whilst pregnant, but you don’t have to completely overhaul your skincare routine. Instead, you can make small and subtle changes based on the below tips:
Ingredients to watch out for:
Some ingredients come under the umbrella of ‘pregnancy don’ts’ as they can be absorbed through the skin into the body and the bloodstream when applied to the skin. As a rule of thumb, avoid products that contain parabens and always research whether the product is FDA approved. Generally, if a product is FDA approved it will be fine for use. The below ingredients are on the ‘pregnancy don’ts list’:
Acne Products:
Pregnancy can induce fluctuations in hormones which can cause many women to experience breakouts and oily skin. If you haven’t suffered with bad skin before this, a Doctor may prescribe antibiotics. It’s best to avoid use of Salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide, but a small percentage is considered safe (salicylic acid 2% or lower, benzoyl peroxide 5% or lower). Retinol (vitamin A) and Accutane should be steered clear of during pregnancy. Whilst there is no research to support that retinoids are harmful when applied to the skin, it is best to avoid them as a precaution as when taken orally it can cause birth defects and abnormalities.
Brightening products:
Women often think that Soy is fit for use due to its natural properties, but diligent topical use of soy can make the ‘pregnancy mask’ (dark patches) worse. Hydroquinone is also best to avoid as it has not been thoroughly tested.
Safe ingredients:
The below ingredients are considered safe for use during pregnancy:
Sun protection:
Daily use of SPF 15 is recommended throughout pregnancy. If your skin is sensitive, you may wish to opt for ones that contain titanium dioxide and/or zine oxide.
Gycolic acid and lactic acid are considered safe for use.
Pregnancy skincare do’s and don’ts
By: 111SKIN
Pregnancy can be a confusing time for many women. You want to make sure you’re at optimal health in order to produce a healthy baby. When you’re pregnant you should consume much of your time researching the ingredients that are going into your body as well as on the outside. It’s common for women to use organic or paraben free products whilst pregnant, but you don’t have to completely overhaul your skincare routine. Instead, you can make small and subtle changes based on the below tips:
Ingredients to watch out for:
Some ingredients come under the umbrella of ‘pregnancy don’ts’ as they can be absorbed through the skin into the body and the bloodstream when applied to the skin. As a rule of thumb, avoid products that contain parabens and always research whether the product is FDA approved. Generally, if a product is FDA approved it will be fine for use. The below ingredients are on the ‘pregnancy don’ts list’:
Acne Products:
Pregnancy can induce fluctuations in hormones which can cause many women to experience breakouts and oily skin. If you haven’t suffered with bad skin before this, a Doctor may prescribe antibiotics. It’s best to avoid use of Salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide, but a small percentage is considered safe (salicylic acid 2% or lower, benzoyl peroxide 5% or lower). Retinol (vitamin A) and Accutane should be steered clear of during pregnancy. Whilst there is no research to support that retinoids are harmful when applied to the skin, it is best to avoid them as a precaution as when taken orally it can cause birth defects and abnormalities.
Brightening products:
Women often think that Soy is fit for use due to its natural properties, but diligent topical use of soy can make the ‘pregnancy mask’ (dark patches) worse. Hydroquinone is also best to avoid as it has not been thoroughly tested.
Safe ingredients:
The below ingredients are considered safe for use during pregnancy:
Sun protection:
Daily use of SPF 15 is recommended throughout pregnancy. If your skin is sensitive, you may wish to opt for ones that contain titanium dioxide and/or zine oxide.
Gycolic acid and lactic acid are considered safe for use.