Skincare Mapping
Last week saw the emergence of a new social media trend otherwise known as ‘Multi-masking.’ Taking to Instagram, skincare lovers how been displaying photos of themselves with a variety of coloured masks on their faces in different areas. The idea? To target various skincare concerns on different areas of the face.
The idea of multi-masking comes from the theory that each area of the face can display different skincare problems and so these problems can be addressed by applying different ingredients to each area of the face.
So, is it just a fad, or should we stick to traditional skincare mapping?
What’s the difference between multi-masking and skincare mapping?
Multi-masking uses various ingredients within a mask format and so these ingredients are likely to be highly concentrated to focus on specific skincare concerns. Face masks are usually applied every few days or once a week to address a particular problem or to treat a particular area with intensely. For example, you may use one mask on your t-zone which has ingredients included to target and treat an oily t-zone; you may also apply to the chin or any other areas of breakouts. The problem arises when individuals are unaware of the effects of each ingredient. This could then result in irritating other areas and flaring up previously stagnant concerns.
In theory, multi-masking is creditable. For those that have combination or sensitive skin, different ingredients can work better in one or two areas. If you have acne on their head, you may want a tea tree face mask on the T-zone, and if you have dry skin on the cheeks you may want to use a deeply hydrating mask in that area. However, it is very easy to use the wrong products in the wrong places.
Skin mapping (or face mapping) is a technique that has been used for years, and it’s recommended that individuals seek the advice of a dermatologist or Chinese Doctor as in some cases breakouts can be caused by a number of things, and it’s therefore important to understand its underlying cause.
Dr Alexandrides states that “a skin condition can reflect other issues that are internal and may require greater medical attention.” For those without expert knowledge it’s very difficult to diagnose skin concerns just by looking at the face. An assessment should also be made by taking into account someone’s lifestyle, diet, current skincare regime, hormones and stress.