Preparing For Summer: Exfoliating And Its Benefits
The weather has most definitely brightened up recently with heat raising to skirt wearing temperatures. We can feel that summer is just around the corner, which means the thought of baring legs has left us with a palpable sense of dread.
The best way to ensure your skin is radiant and glowing over the summer months is by exfoliating. Whilst your skin may be covered up in the winter and not at the top of your beauty regime, it is very important in the summer; even more so if you have been slacking with exfoliating over the winter months. Over time your dead skin cells start to build up causing your skin to look dull, flaky and dry. Exfoliating involves a chemical solution or mechanical (some form of tool such as a sponge or loofah). Dr Alexandrides recommends a combination of the two:
The Lift Off Exfoliating Cleanser uses non-irritating acids which dissolve the dead skin cells. As this method dissolves the skin cells has opposed to removing them physically, only a gentle method of massaging the Cleanser gently is required. Remove the cleanser with warm water and then finish with a moisturiser.
For the body you can afford to exude more pressure, but still be careful not to be too rough. Dr Alexandrides recommends applying a scrub that contains beads, pits, sugar or salt or another natural exfoliating substance to a warm and lightly soaked loofah and gently scrub off the dead skin in gentle circular motions.