Eva's NYC Black Book

My life is non-stop. As a small business owner, mother and wife I am constantly shuffling business and pleasure around to make time for everything. I am always on the go and tend to live out of a suitcase, flying from business meeting to social gathering. I decided that I would have a little bit of fun with this by creating my little black book to  certain cities of little places I find and love. First up is NYC. Having our products stocked at Barneys NYC means I get to travel to their quite often and experience the hustle and bustle of NYC. In short, I have put together a few of my favourite spots in Soho and will continue to add to it.


Le Colombe on Lafayette Street- My favourite coffee shop 


Eds Lobster bar Amazing fresh lobster and fantastic fresh shellfish!


Aqua Grill- Fresh oysters and outdoor small cozy space 


Juice generationJuice Bar 


Best laid back place for dinner is the garden of the Mondrian hotel


The most exquisite designer pieces with a twist -- Curve  Bond street


Bathing suits at Malia Mills– Soho 

Super trendy clothes for kids – Diesel on W. Broadway


I hop you enjoyed my list! What are your favourite spots?

