Are you getting enough Beauty Sleep?

Women need seven hours and 55 minutes to look their best but are only getting six hours and 54 minutes, according to a new study. The reason for skipping on shut-eye? Working late and using iPads in bed instead of switching off and snuggling down.

The British Beauty Sleep Survey also found more and more women are working longer hours from home to ensure they can keep up at work and keep their jobs. When it comes to looking good, we all benefit from a good night's kip, but the poll's findings suggest it's not something women feel they can prioritise. Here's five things that came out of The Beauty Sleep Survey research:

1. On average, women do an extra 40 minutes of work at home after they've left the office and spend one hour and 25 minutes on their tablets or laptops in bed every week night.

2. We try to catch up with sleep missed during the week on weekends and manage seven hours and 48 minutes each night from Friday to Sunday.

3. When it comes to night cream, we spend £167 a year - which is 30% more than we did two years ago.

4. Before going to bed, we spend nine minutes on our skincare regimes.

5. In the morning we spend up to 13 minutes covering up dark circles under our eyes.


Here’s Dr Alexandrides top product recommendation to ensure you wake up looking refreshed and rejuvenated:


111SKIN Nocturnal Eclipse Recovery Cream NAC Y2